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100+, M
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Miram · 31-35, F
Passing by your profile. You seem to be interesting based on your replies and interactions ❤️
Mooncalf · 100+, M
That is very true and often times nothing we do matters at all but the role we play in some peoples lives is that of a something akin to a doll that is only useful and wanted so long as it is pleasing. That is the very beginning of human connection.

I need to do some things and I will be back later for sure and as I said you're always welcome to speak to me here whenever you wish and I hope you do so, I can tell you are a thoughtful person and since you haven't come to make fun of me or insult me, something that is in me which is worthy to me is also present within yourself and worthy to you other wise we would be repulsed and not interested and I find you interesting also. I look forward to talking with you some more and seeing what kinds of things we may get into. Be blessed and until next time. 🤗
Miram · 31-35, F
@Mooncalf Enjoy your day and thank you very much for taking the time to respond to me and for your wise words ❤️
Mooncalf · 100+, M
You're welcome, anytime.
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