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Another heart. <3
Josh1454 · M
Reminds of my Toby.
Mikyel · 36-40, M
@Josh1454 She was born on Valentine's Day this year, and I think she's called a Yorkie. She stay with my bf at his house because he lives next door to his Aunt and that's where Angel's little puppy sister lives, she has a few other dogs too.

But when my bf isn't well, I doggie-sit until he gets better (blood sugar problems, he just got an insulin pump though which helps, but he has hospital stays while trying to get used to it.)

Your Toby has a trouble maker in him? Angel does too a little bit, she's learning to chew easy on our hands when we play, and she loves to get into things and make a game out of her mischief. 🤣
Josh1454 · M
@Mikyel I asked because Toby is Yorker as well. Your bf is lucky to have her watching over him as well as you. Toby’s sister is a trouble maker as well. She’s with my sister.
Mikyel · 36-40, M
@Josh1454 Animals are so much smarter than humans sometimes give them credit for. In the past, I had a poodle once who faked a hurt leg so I'd stay home when I was going out to the store. Then BB, a couple years ago, was laying down snoring really loud, but had her eyes open looking around. She wasn't hurt or anything, she thought we couldn't see that she was really awake.

BB also used to sense when I had seizures (they're taken care of now). She would crawl up on my chest and curl up and lay there before it hit.

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