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36-40, F
Hi my name is Meyonna Jones and i'm 23 and i'm a taurus.
About Me
About Me

I've only had 2 boyfriends in my life, but I'm always looking and hopeful that one day I would find a man who would truly loves me for who I am.

I don't really like the idea of "dating around" as people do these days, I don't want to get into a relationship I'm unsure of, because I could never break a man's heart by leaving him. I prefer take my time to look for that special someone, and endure the loneliness till that time comes.

I simply keep working hard at my goals in the mean time so that my future Family will be in good hands.

I'm not ashamed of who i am, because as long as i am happy with myself it don't matter to me what other people think of me because i'm not here for you or make you like me.


I'm a very calm, sober and tranquil person I like allot of peace and quiet.
I don't like to be in very noisy places, or around very loud or obnoxious people.

My mom often told me, that as a baby, even from the day I was born, I never cried. I was the most quiet and calm baby she ever saw.

I care allot about the feelings and needs of others, I don't like it when people are selfish to others.

I'm told that I am very mature and well mannered for my age.
I like planning and working towards the future, always improving myself daily in all aspects of life.

I enjoy being around positive, kind and virtuous people, which are traits I share myself.

Some stuff I never do is: Smoke, do drugs, or any of those other things that seems wrong or undesirable to me. I'm just not interested in any of those things and don't intend on ever trying them out.

I really don't worry much about what others say or think about me. Racist comments, negativity, ridiculing God and Christianity, I don't allow myself to be affected by what others think or say, because that would only hold me back in life.

I am not influenced by friends or bad company, I only motivate myself though encouraging and well-meaning people.


My Mom is a very healthy and loving parent. Yes I do have misunderstanding with her at times (very rarely), but I never loose my respect for her at all, nor would I ever wish that I had someone else as my Mother.

I have 2 very awesome brothers and i love them.
I love my family, relatives and friends very much, and I'm proud of who I am, who my family helped me to become.

I hope to have a wonderful family of my own one day.
A handsome, loving, respectful and loyal husband.
I would love to have 3 kids: 2 Boys then 1 Girl.

-Thanks for reading my pretty long "About Me" @-

To many to name.