26-30, M
So if you're lonely you know i'm here waiting for you
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EmilyAnderson · F
*Em was waiting at the school's main gate, for her BFF. The thing was that this boy still wasn't showing up, and she was worried that maybe he couldn't make it on time for the classes. Probably he had a fight with his parents, and the mere thought of it was making her to put a sad expression on her innocent face.*
"He's not coming to school today..." *She thought, and when finally decides to get inside, she wasn't looking the way before her as it should, and collides against someone else's back.*
Oh shit, I'm so sorry!
*Emily said, dropping her books by accident, for that reason she has just kneel to get them back.*
"He's not coming to school today..." *She thought, and when finally decides to get inside, she wasn't looking the way before her as it should, and collides against someone else's back.*
Oh shit, I'm so sorry!
*Emily said, dropping her books by accident, for that reason she has just kneel to get them back.*
MarieLucyAnderson · 26-30, F
Oh, don't you?
I thought you do.
Because I'm not like the other girls
-And finally the teacher gets in the class and Marie sits down, glancing at Max-
I thought you do.
Because I'm not like the other girls
-And finally the teacher gets in the class and Marie sits down, glancing at Max-
StevenDoyle · M
-Steven got up and cleaned the blood off his lower lip. He will surely have to explain that to his parents later..and they aren't gonna be happy about it. He has seen this kid lately, but he never thought he'd come and stand by him, he always thought he was the bully type as well-
I can take them all, no biggie.
-The main bully(?) chuckled and charged towards Max since he was on the way-
I can take them all, no biggie.
-The main bully(?) chuckled and charged towards Max since he was on the way-
JensenLambert · M
-Looks at him, watching how fast he's texting- Now that's some badass skills -Hits his head just because-
You better not make me a grandfather that soon, kiddo -Chuckles-
Going out tonight? -Gazing back at the screen-
You better not make me a grandfather that soon, kiddo -Chuckles-
Going out tonight? -Gazing back at the screen-
StevenDoyle · M
-Steven had just arrived to school and as he was leaving his bycicle by the entrance, a group of bullies approached and started picking on him-
You never seen a bike before?
Bully: I have, but i never had one like that.I fact, i think i might just take it out for a ride.
No way, you can't! -And a fight started-
You never seen a bike before?
Bully: I have, but i never had one like that.I fact, i think i might just take it out for a ride.
No way, you can't! -And a fight started-
MarieLucyAnderson · 26-30, F
Are you going to hit me, big boy?
I wanted to.
-Gets up and faces him(?)-
Are you going to hit me, big boy?
I wanted to.
-Gets up and faces him(?)-
JensenLambert · M
My thoughts exactly -Glances at him-
Since you're on the phone, ,leave the girls for a second and order the pizza. NO olives, you know the drill.
-Jen was sitting on the couch, watching a boxing fight on TV-
Since you're on the phone, ,leave the girls for a second and order the pizza. NO olives, you know the drill.
-Jen was sitting on the couch, watching a boxing fight on TV-
JensenLambert · M
-Against all odds, Jensen and Charlotte got married..and they remained together for the next decade.Their son was a teenager now..and he ressembled much more his dad than his mother.He was a smart kid, so..he probably took that after his mom(?) Years laters, here they are, living in NYC, trying to live a normal life despite Jen's secret job of which only his wife knows about-
MAX?! -Friday night. Charlotte is working til late(?) meaning they'll have a dude only night-
Are you cooking? I'm not cooking.Let's order something !
MAX?! -Friday night. Charlotte is working til late(?) meaning they'll have a dude only night-
Are you cooking? I'm not cooking.Let's order something !
MarieLucyAnderson · 26-30, F
MarieLucyAnderson thinks you are Adventurous.

MarieLucyAnderson · 26-30, F
What the...?!
-She steals his pencil and breaks it(??)-
More like it?
-Smiles at him, teasing-
-She steals his pencil and breaks it(??)-
More like it?
-Smiles at him, teasing-
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