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Little monster// Fashionist
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This comment by Cloucethe is pending approval.
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This comment by JasperHale is pending approval.
JasperHale · M
"miro mi reloj" te doy un minuto de ventaja
JasperHale · M
"te tome de la mano" claro bella princesa,la escoltare a aquel lugar
JasperHale · M
JasperHale thinks you are Charming.
Cloucethe · 36-40, F
' sonrio tierna '
tu debes ser mi mama
JasperHale · M
**te sonrio** aremos lo que tu quieras

*leve reverencia**

una caballero a tu servicios
JasperHale · M
"te sonrio" yo no duermo
This comment by AlessandraCaffrey is pending approval.
JasperHale · M
buenas madrugada "sonrio"