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The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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ALECM · 36-40

me apoyas con tu voto...:) :)
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DerkyAguilar · 31-35, M
DerkyAguilar thinks you are Cute.
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EkartTibi · 36-40, M
EkartTibi thinks you are Awesome.
DerkyAguilar · 31-35, M
Ola ^.^^D
Feliz cumplee!!
pasala supero Bnn
AloisTrancy · 26-30, M
Feliz cumple
RiniTsukino · 26-30, F
Hey!!! Hija de tu mama XD!!!! jaja Holaa
AloisTrancy · 26-30, M
ke hacez?
PriincesziitaDana · 26-30, F
;) PrOooo BuEnO pArA La pRoXiM -.-
PriincesziitaDana · 26-30, F
III Q PrIImItA Q OndA Kn eL BoooZ EzzTaS bn bRuTaAAA
UvIeRaZ PeDiiiDi zU TeLePhOne