36-40, F
About Me About Me Notes
About Me

Something you may need to know...
Mallory Grey was born in 1993, to John Gilbert and a 16 year old teenage girl named Isobel Flemming, who gave her away after giving birth. Grayson and Miranda Gilbert, John's older brother and sister-in-law, adopted the baby girl. It was easy to arrange since Grayson delivered Elena and Isobel disappeared. The Gilberts were trying so hard to have a baby but it wasn't happening, so everything fell in perfectly.
Phisical Appereance
Mallory is a slender, athletic seventeen year old girl. She has an olive complexion, oval face, almond-shaped eyes, and long, straight, dark brown hair.

In the pilot, Mallory is quiet, withdrawn and melancholy. It is revealed that the reason for this is the death of her parents, a few months beforehand. Her friends reveal that before her parents' death, she was active, popular and cheerful, and that her recent change in behaviour is due to her loss. As the show progresses, she begins to regain some of her 'pep'; meeting Stefan is part of the reason for this.
More about her ...
Mallory has been shown to be very protective of her family, very astute, and with high moral standards. She displays deep affection for her friends, and often takes it upon herself to worry about people who don't expect or welcome her concern.
Elena is also very stubborn and fiesty. She's very direct and prefers to confront people head-on as opposed to keeping her anger bottled up. She displays trust in Stefan, Damon and others, despite their past actions and recent transgressions.

Matt Grey
- Contigo encontre el verdadero amor ...
Porque cuando se trata de ti, los segundos, minutos, minutos, horas, días, semanas me parecen eternas cuando no te veo.
Porque cuando se trata de ti no importa que tanto este pegada al teléfono, escuchar tu voz, reír, llorar, gritar contigo se ha convertido en mi pasatiempo favorito
Porque contigo he sonreído, llorado, gritando, enojado, peleado, reconciliado
Porque tus caricias hacen que mi piel se estremezca de tan solo sentir el roce de la yema de tu dedo
Porque cada centímetro de mi piel tiene toda tu esencia
Porque no importa nada ni nadie, mientras te tenga a mi lado sere inmensamente feliz
Siempre tuya ... Siempre nosotros.