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VivianMokan · 36-40, F
Hi,Good Day!!!!!!
My name is Miss.Vivian, I saw your profile today at ( and was moved and become interested in you, I will like you to send me an email to my address ( that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.

I believed we can move from here? Remember colour or distance does not matter but LOVE matters allot in life). Reply
me back with my email address ( hope to hear from you soon
yours Miss.Vivian!!!
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VictoriaMaxwell · 36-40, F
My name is miss victoria
i saw your profile today and
became intrested in you,i will
also like to know you the more
,and i want you to send an email
to my email address so i can give
you my picture for you to know
whom i am.Here is my email address
I believe we can move from here.
I am waiting for your mail to my
email address (
)Remeber the distance or
colour does not matter but love
matters alot in life. My regards.
Miss victoria (