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Child of the Universe, Mother Earth and Father Sun, eclectic pagan and animist panspychist
About Me Notes
About Me
My philosophical worldviews and perspectives are between animist Pantheism, Panpsychism, Transmigration of energy, atoms and consciousness, Naturalistic Pantheism.

The Universe is conscious that's why we're conscious, everything is energy and that everything is connected and interconnected to each other through a quantum cosmic web field of energy.

Studying Hindu Philosophy, Native American Shamanic wisdom, quantum physics and mechanics.

Consciousness is just another part of the universe, it's not separate from the universe just like rebirth is a natural part of nature everything gets recycled by the universe including consciousness, atoms and energy, nothing is wasted by nature. As Carl Sagan say we are made of starstuff. Some say that rebirth aka reincarnation is supernatural BS but it's really not supernatural but a natural part of the cycles of nature and the cosmos, everyday we witness rebirth nothing stays the same everything in nature is in constant flux, stars die the elements that make up the stars form to build lifeforms, mountains and a beautiful horse.

When we die we dissolve back into the Universe/multiverse which is the cosmic ocean, we are the universe having a human experience, from all the different experiences we're lucky to have the human experience.

We are all one and we are all connected so let's act like it. Stop the hate and stop the racism we are all brothers and sisters. The Earth is my mother and the Sun/Universe/Multiverse is my father and you are all my family. If you get technical we are basically the Universe temporarily carrying a human form, we are the Ocean part of the larger Ocean.