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Black! S-stop it! And clean your mouth!

And you, Potter, how irritant you are! Go to your room, or I'll use your broom to teach you a lesson and send you back to where you belong. Ten points less to Gryffindor for the behavior of each one!
SrBlck · 22-25, M
Boo fucking hoo. My heart. It hurts, James. It hurts. Now, I will go have a cigarette while you two get it on... Try not to wake up our fellow Gryffindors, or things are going to get funny.
JamesPotter1564203 · 31-35, M
Shut up you, flea. Now Remus is my best friend.

Well, only if you take me to bed, Lily.

It is not a crime, only an action that you are not allowed to do, Potter.

Now I lost my hope in you, Black. Go back to your rooms, before someone else finds you in the hallways.
SrBlck · 22-25, M
Me? Duties? Sorry Evans, you're looking at the wrong Marauder for that. Try Lupin, he may be able to give you a hand.

Smooth, James. Really smooth.
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Instead of watching my mouth, Potter, focus on avoiding losing more points for Gryffindor.

And you, Black ... I have hope in you. Take Potter to fulfill his duties.
JamesPotter1564203 · 31-35, M
Bloody hell, Padfoot!
SrBlck · 22-25, M
Nice moves, Potter.
JamesPotter1564203 · 31-35, M
Nice lips, Evans.

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