Indiferente, orgullosa
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1-10 of 59
JazzEricksen · 26-30, F
JazzEricksen thinks you are Charming.

AizenSosuke1564076 thinks you are Sexy.

*la saluda con la manita * owo /)
VarickVonLohengrin thinks you are Charming.

OwO b... OuO /)
+chibi estaba jugando en el jardin + owo /) + la saludaba cuando la miraba pasar+
ChenSchrodinger · 31-35, M
ChenSchrodinger thinks you are Kind.

s1557795 · M
s1557795 thinks you are Champion.

MasamuneHiro · 26-30, M
MasamuneHiro thinks you are Sexy.

VS1563377 · M
VS1563377 thinks you are Charming.

1-10 of 59