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31-35, F
*>yOung LAdy *>a dAuGhtEr & siZhTeR *>visiOnAry & iNtELLeCtUaL
About Me Notes
About Me
ღღღღLeAh Lyn rEmONtE sApEღღღღ

*>yOung LAdy
*>a dAuGhtEr & siZhTeR
*>visiOnAry & iNtELLeCtUaL
*>OriGinAL & iNvEntiVe
*>hOnEst & hUmAnitAriAn
*>iNdEpendEnt & fRANk
*>ActiVe & pErSevEriNg
*>prOgReSsiVe & ObjEctiVe
*>rEfiNed & dEmOcrAtiC
*>AmiAbLe & LOyAL
*>Open-miNdEd & jUst
*>RoMantiC & chArmiNg

ღღ->i cAn't fOrCE sOmEbOdY tO LikE mE & LovE mE..
ღღ->i cAn't cOnviNcE sOmEbOdY tO bELiEvE mE & aPpReCiAtE mE..
ღღ->i cAn't pLeAsE sOmEbOdY tO mAkE fRieNdS wiTh mE..
ღღ->i cAn't bE pErfEct aS whAt tHeY wAnT mE tO bE..
ღღ->i cAn't sAy STOP fOr thOsE pEopLe whO kEePs On jUdgiNg mE nEgAtiVeLy & sAy NO fOr thOsE pEopLe whO kEePs On hUrtiNg mE..
ღღ->i cAn't cOntrOL thOsE rUmOrs & nEgAtiVe fEeDbAckS rUsHiNg On mE..
ღღ->bUt OnE tHiNg fOr sUrE i LOvE thOSE trUe fRiEnDS whO cAn aCcEpT & LovE mE fOr "WHO I AM" nOt fOr "WHAT I AM"

ii am funny .crazy &nd serious
@t times ii am lonely delirious
ii am dependent &nd independent
always a friend defender &nd a money spender
complicated &nd oh so sophisticated .
ii am educated &nd please don't forget it .
ii am a CARRiER of the JEALOUSY genes
particularly in L.O.V.E .
ii am a bit stubborn .but i serve well
ii am the joy in which everyone dwells .
: hmm ii never let bad situation bother me .
ii always find something funny to laugh about .
.but that doesn’t mean that ii don’t know
.how &nd when to be serious .
ii am simply blessed of this talent of
.seeing the humorous side of thing :] .
im not that all “uptight” kind of person .
ii know the importance of showing my true
.colors through my sense of style .
it's easy for people to notice me because of my
.total weirdness &nd style of my own .
im perfectly comfortable to be with in such matter .
im kinda cool as the other side of a pillow
.&nd wont let a sudden change in keeping me
.away from achieving my goals .
ii can easily adjust to anybody and anything :)
a type of girl you love to hang up with .
because you can be your self around me .
i easily get curious &nd think to be more
.adventurous in sampling new things around me .
i don’t let my self to be stagnant
.instead im willing to go on with the flow
.whatever may happen
i go along the way in shaping my self
.as an ideal girl in your eyes ! :)