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(Well... I can't imagine Laurie all punk like RZ, apparently does. [I don't remember if Laurie had tattoos in the 2nd remake though] But you can do whatever you want. You RP Laurie, not me. It makes me laugh seeing you asking me for approbation xD.
I just thought the song was perfect for this picture. And yes, the song is awesome, I love The offspring xP)

-rubs his ass lol.-
(oh my god it does!!! <3 <3 lol so dirty~ Is it ok if Laurie get's tattoos then? x'D I love this song. It fits so well)

*blushes and glares lightly, and smacks his as well*
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i guess in a way. But the newer picture of me is cute~
... vampire(??????)
(x'D how would he be? she's adorabl~ <3)

Oh, because im so dangerous~ *licks her lips and makes a teasing growl noise, andbarring her straight white teeth* *she laughs&
No, I don't......... -he's afraid of her though (???)-
please don't hurt me (??????) -teases xD-
My friends did my make up and such ;-; *hides face* do you hate it?
holyshit, what happened to you!? (???????) -lol-

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