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Sinead65 · 56-60, F
You are my dream woman LaLa. I have a satin and silk fetish. It's something you get as a child, I don't know how. It's not a condition but it's also not a choice, so I have to live and die with it. I just can’t resist touching and stroking satin fabric because It's just so soft and smooth to touch when rubbing. For me nothing looks sexier on a woman than a shiny satin or silk outfit. I have the greatest trouble thinking rationally when i am around women dressed in shiny silk or satin. Also I am more sexually attracted to heterosexual ultrafeminine tall curvy attractive women. They turn me on. All the women I gotten far with were not my physical type. I just did what a lot of other short skinny ugly dykes seem to do and adjust to what the market has to offer.One of the things I've noticed over the years is that I'm always attracted to heterosexual tall curvy ultrafeminine women that I know are unavailable. For me the, taller a woman the better.
I love women in silky satin clothing. If I see a tall woman with big breasts wearing satin blouse on high heels walking down the street I will be aroused. Small breasts don't really do it for me. Every time i see tall feminine woman dressed in satin or silk outfit walking around with big massive breasts & butt cheeks swaying all over the place i lose control. For me the, taller a woman the better. I feel immensely attracted even standing next to tall,curvy, feminine women. It's been a pattern since I was a teenager. So you are my dream woman LaLa.
I love women in silky satin clothing. If I see a tall woman with big breasts wearing satin blouse on high heels walking down the street I will be aroused. Small breasts don't really do it for me. Every time i see tall feminine woman dressed in satin or silk outfit walking around with big massive breasts & butt cheeks swaying all over the place i lose control. For me the, taller a woman the better. I feel immensely attracted even standing next to tall,curvy, feminine women. It's been a pattern since I was a teenager. So you are my dream woman LaLa.
Sinead65 · 56-60, F
Your boobs are awesome LaLa, and I love how much these short women love them too. They are just nice to look at. Like a breath of fresh air.
Sinead65 · 56-60, F
now I am jealous
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