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About Me About Me NotesThe Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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1-10 of 483
P1571617 · M
P1571617 thinks you are Charming.

DAcklet · M
DAcklet thinks you are Hot.

SW-User thinks you are Charming.

TakumiUsui1534121 thinks you are Cute.

Dianceht · M
Dianceht thinks you are Cool.

KaitoShionVocaloid · 26-30, M
KaitoShionVocaloid thinks you are Cute.

KishioNaito · M
KishioNaito thinks you are Cute.

ZaneTrusdale · 31-35, M
YunoPendragon · 26-30, F
[ RMO: ^^ ¿Cómo has estado nee? Tiempo sin verte o.o ]
KishioNaito · M
claro sera un placer hacerlo :)
y bueno gustas hacer un roll?
y bueno gustas hacer un roll?
1-10 of 483