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America would be his hiding place now. Who would suspect of looking for him on a farm?
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My duck, your words. I assumed you've already named it. Adolfo...right? I'll call him Dolly, a suitable nickname. He's my oficial heir now.
Ks1577684 · M
Someone has to do it. I don't know, why would I give it a name? .... His name is ... Adolfo, do you like him?
He has the face of a leader.
Mhm, fine. I will take the duck for a walk everyday If you promess to clean up whenever It uses the floor as a toilet. What's the name of our child then?
Ks1577684 · M
Are you going to take care of my duck?
because he is also coming. What's more, I'm not going to ask you, you are the mother because of the failure in the matrix.
Quit that boring farm and stay with me in NYC. I could LITERALLY make you invisible and no one will ever find you among the crowd. Think about it.

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