This profile may contain Mildly Adult content.
31-35, T
Fearless, But sensitive.
About Me About Me NotesThe Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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Just a Comment

Greetings from the Republic of Ireland sister,lovely to met you,
KittyCat1992 · 31-35, T
@LUVELACE Greetings back from the east netherlands, Good to see my first comment here is a lovely and wholesome one. :D
@KittyCat1992 sweetie,I live my life as best I can,yes I’m bi n a xdresser who prefers the company of trans n femboi,but I never judge others for their choices,I’m just me take it or leave it
KittyCat1992 · 31-35, T
@LUVELACE Live and let live is kinda my motto, So u be you cuz everyone should be able to be them selves.
No matter what others say the everyone should be him/her/etc.
No matter what others say the everyone should be him/her/etc.