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I understand, because you understand Spanish perfectly well, I am glad and amazed that you not only understand it so well that even the text can read. Normally everyone either understands the language, vervally or understands it in writing, but few people understand it perfectly.
That's okay. I only understand you because I have Spanish roommate and did Spanish in year 4 - 11
Who said I don't like Bugatti or los Corvette
I'm glad you understand Spanish and have Mexican friends, I'm sorry for my confusion
But I have been to Mexico and get to drive my friend's Alfa Romeo
I am not Mexican.
//Si eres Mexicano por qué escribes en Inglés?//
Yeah I like the Alfa Romeo. It has a nice looking design
//No le gustan los Corvette, o los Bugatti, que tal el Alfa Romeo?//

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