KelseyMichl is using SimilarWorlds.
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26-30, F
Funny, A momma and a wife, a daughter and a Sister
About Me
About Me
The name is Kelsey Jean(: I have a daughter Izzabella Lee Murray(; Two brothers Bryan and Kaleb Michl. A mom Amy Jo Richardson and her Husband Cody Alan M orris. ! and have a girlfriend Harley Kaylnne Beaver! My boo! love you my ex wife Taylor sasser and our other daughter Teona sasser(: I have a sister Ashley Easterly I love that girl. I'm fun most of the time. i've been known to be a lil crazy at times. But that's me you gotta love me and if you don't well then fuck you!

nursing,making the worls happy,flowers,amimals,people,life