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I’m just a girl, standing in front of a salad, asking it to become a donut.
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I was just thinking of you, miss yer...Xxx
I miss you! Xxx
I hope you had a merry wotsitty thing! Be nice to see yer occasionally *coughs* Xxx
Currently eating buttered ginger cake...true story! Apart from the boredom I hope all is well? Xxx
Jello is far to healthy...git some choccie biscuits down yer...
If you ain't who I think you are I'ma gonna cry! If tis really you I'ma also gonna cry...
Sure do miss you!
Here's your salad!
Since you apparently needed some. O.o
Just wanted to say I like your username and pfp 😆
Lovely to meet a kindred SOH spirit! X
Thanks for the macaron but we have to have them together! It's just not the same otherwise!!