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KassiaKonstantinova is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
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I'm not sure about that, you know
I'm always doing these stupid mistakes.

So, yes please. I think I need a hug.
Hey, thanks.You can be kind when you want *Teases*

Yes.They're beautiful.
*Laughs*You know i'm not the funniest guy around,so..

Kay. You know, my daughters were born on Valentine's day *Nods*
You got a point.

What are your plans now that you are back?
You're welcome, Kass *Smiles*

You planning to stay?Because if you plan on leaving again,at least say goodbye *Pokes her nose* Ooooookay?
You got better from death as someone gets better from flu *Kisses her cheek too*

I admit you look good
*Hugs back* Thanks, glad to see you again

I thought you were dead(?)
Maybe you wanted to talk about that with me, but, if you say so, let's change subject. Like...I met your sister and I like her personality
KitWalker · 36-40, M
Exactly. You see, I had my own stint in a mental institution
...I try not to think about that though.

-so heading to the nearest bar she mentioned, they don'tt take long to get there-
¡Hey! Hola