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26-30, F
About Me
About Me
♥ M E J U L Y ♥ I go out of my way to kick a rock all the way down the street while I'm walking. I wake up with a song stuck in my head and wonder how it got there. I hate when I'm dreaming,and I can only move in slowmotion. I hate it when someone wakes me up in the middle of a good dream. Sometimes when I'm alone, I feel like a camera is watching me. I can never find anything after I clean my room. I wear my heart on my sleeve. Listening to someone's lies when you know the truth. I open a pack of gum in class, and suddenly everyone is my " best friend" and wants a piece. I say I'm fine, when I'm really not. People think I'm being sarcastic, but I'm really being serious. When I'm home alone, I blast my music extremely loud. I hate when people ask me if they can ask me a question seriously? I lay in my bed at night and think about everything. : )