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80-89, M
I am a Christian, kind, try to help people and engineering designer and inventor.
About Me
About Me
I am 84 and have been on Similar Worlds and EP before it and think that they are brilliant.
It suddenly occurred to me that it could be a very good platform for my ideas on Climate Change/Global Warming., and also a beautful Welsh hill farm, I have, that I want to share with others. The two are connected by the idea of sustainable living. The Welsh farm comes next.
Similar Worlds could be particularly suited to the Global Warming problem because both are world wide, and this subject concerns anyone.

All those who consider that they have brains should be taking part. Either, they are ideas people, like me, or they are capable to seeing if an idea is good, or not. If an idea is good it should be backed to the hilt. Via the huge network that SW is capable of generating, you will all have various contacts and expertise to add to mine/

After the Afghanistan disaster and not brilliant performance of our politicians re. Covid19, I don't hold out much hope for this Cop thing in Glasgow.

I am a highly qualified and able design engineer and inventor. I have never failed in solving engineering problems that I have tackled and Global Warming is just such a problem. I believe that I have a complete solution to that, assuming that we are not too late and world snow and ice has not gone into irretrievable melting, due to too much "carbon" (CO2) in the atmosphere and oceans RIGHT NOW.

The second problem is that Global Warming solution requires such long time scales that are far beyod the norm of our political systems.

Take Afghanistan. The problem was huge, but not beyond a solution. The Taliban have these awful schools that, to our way of thinking, are unbalanced brainwashing. But it is well known that if young things get particular experiences when they are very young their brains get imprinted. I have just seen a fantastic YouTube video of a young orphaned elephant that had to be re or de brainwashed to go with its own kind rather than its keepers. So with young Afghans. If young Afghans (boys in particular) are brought up to kill infidels, that girls should have very little education and are mainly for bearing children and staying home, and that lots of things like music are wrong, that is what they will believe.

Now, those Afghans of 20, or so, who have only had that teaching, they will become willing members of the Taliban.

The only way to have undone it would have been to stay for perhaps another 20 years for new leaders to have goen through, what to us, would have been a healthy and balanced education, and in touch with the rest of the world, not just the "West". As it is 20 years work will be totally destroyed maybe within a year, or less.

I have just been seeting the scene fo the Global Warming problem.

My complete solution is in 2 parts. the first part is the easier and invloves heat pumps and combined heat an power and using every scrap of heat, for useful purposes, before it leaks out into the environment. Here, I am dealing with the more difficult part.

1. Many people talk of clean fuels, by which they mean they don't aproduce any CO2, they include nuclear. But I dispute this. No fuel is clean because all fuels, by their very nature, produce heat. That is what fuels do.

2. The very description Global Warming implies heat, because it is heat that produces warming. Apart from acidification of the ocean, too much CO2 would be no problem if there was no heat, so fromthe Global Warming point of view it both heat and the blanketting effect of too much CO2 in the atmosphere, that is the problem.

3. Everyone talks about a target of "Zero Carbon". It is a sort of parrot cry. Even my old, very prestigious, university of Cambridge, UK, I believe is wrong with their organisation called, "Cambridge Zero". As I understand it "Zero" means we get to the point where we are adding no MORE CO2 to the atmosphere. If this is so, I believe that it is the wrong target. The target should be "carbon negative".

4. Talking of heat, from figures I obtained from the internet I calculated that the sum of human heat, is causing a volume of snow and ice melt, each year equivalent to a square of side 100 km. x 17m. and this is being lost, NOT TO BE REPLACED EACH YEAR. NUCLEAR ADDS TO THIS HEAT.

5. If you sit on grass on a hot Summer day and put your hand on some concrete or tarmac, they will be warm or evan hot, but the grass will be cool. The photosynthesis of the grass is absorbing both solar energy, which would otherwise become heat, AND CO2.What we have got to do is to grow a net surplus of biomass to reduce the free CO2.

6. However, when vegetation rots down that heat and CO2 are released. You don't notice the heat, because it happens so slowly, but it is there. It must be, scientifically and logically.

7. So how do we stop the rot ? Well, a well known way is bogs which grow about 1/2 to 1 mm. each year. That is due to extreme wet and no oxygen. I believe another way, which I have not seen mentioned anywhere else is storing in the extreme dryness of the desert. However, this is a colossal task and will take around 100 - 140 years (guess), the sort of time before we discovered that there was a problem.

8. But how will our politicians cope if, like the rotting log, the effect is not easily discernible. At the age of 84, I believe that politicians prefer the sound of hollow gongs, trumpets and noise, to effective silence, where something useful is happening, but they cannot discern it.

9. What needs to be done ?
a. We cannot rely on the politicians and governments.
b. If you feel that my ideas are good, and make sense, shout them from the roof tops, get extinction rebellion on our side, for I/we, are on their's. Get a huge worldwide movement going and force governments to act. SW can play a key role.
c. If you believe that my ideas are wrong or can be improved, then tell me, why and how.

But, please, please do not be complacent. Our wonderful and beautiful world is dying.