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You can even think to hate this pretty face?
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JamieLloyd · F
I really want to see the producers cut now D: ugh. Killing the whole cult, he's such a bad ass <3
The movie it's messed up because they changed a lot of facts, the producer's cut was the first option before, also you can get the idea better if you watch that version. When I saw it I was like "the hell???.... Well, now I get it, why that happened in the 1st place" they also freed Michael of the curse at the end of the producer's cut.

I like the chasing at the end from the normal H6 though lolz, Michael being so crazy killing everyone, and also killing the whole cult XD, he was awesome.
JamieLloyd · F
I agree! :D but the plot of the story.. Urgh.. They didn't do a good job about explaining the curse of thorn, like what you said. And over all it just confused me and it didn't catch my intrest like the others. lol i remember in halloween 5 i forgot her name already lol but she and two other of her friends were in the barn and she was holding the kitten and she was like, "what am i supposed to do with a kitten even though i dont like cats?" lol
What I didn't liked about that movie, was at how did tried to explain about Thorn's curse. But it has one of my favorite Michaels in there, the most scary to me actually xD. George as Michael is badass <3
JamieLloyd · F
wow she was beautiful! WAS beautiful? hell, she still IS. Yeah i know D: i wasn't a fan of halloween 6 in my opinion, but yeah i know. It's ok~
http://www.dreadcentral.com/img/news/jan07/danielleharris.jpg look what I've found? You know Jamie in Halloween 6 had short hair? xD too bad she didn't played as Jamie on H6, and all because of money :/
JamieLloyd · F
SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!! I'm so jealous <3 She's so cute, beautiful, and so sarcastic in the movies as annie xD I loved her as Annie~

She looks even more beautiful as Annie in the 2nd remake, she has her hair longer, looking more as Jamie too xD.
Danielle~ <3

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