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This comment by MiyukiSeta is pending approval.
thesecretinside · 31-35, M
nu ma culc ma -_- hai ca ma pun in pat
thesecretinside · 31-35, M
nu,nu e nevoie sa ma culc:*
thesecretinside · 31-35, M
ma cam doare capul si deaia...
thesecretinside · 31-35, M
Eu ma pun in pat,vorbim prin mesaje daca e :*
thesecretinside · 31-35, M
Np :x:x
thesecretinside · 31-35, M
Itachi: Mie imi place sa te sarut mult pentru ca te iubesc mult. *zambeste dulce si o mai saruta odata si o ia de mana si o intinde in pat si isi da camasa jos* Acum incepe adevaratul moment. *ranjeste* :>
Nelliel: Eu cred ca sunt destul de disperata dupa tine scumpule :"> *se uita la el inrosita*
thesecretinside · 31-35, M
Np :*:*
thesecretinside · 31-35, M
Pb :*:*