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36-40, F
f sociabila, distractiva,realista si imi place ca omul sa fie sincer cu mine, altfel e ede rau...
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AlexandraYoana · 26-30, F
AlexandraYoana thinks you are Charming.
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EkartTibi · 31-35, M
EkartTibi thinks you are Awesome.
AndruuCherry · 26-30, F
dragutz profil
AlexandraYoana · 26-30, F
multumesc foarte mult
IngridOtilia · 36-40, F
complimentul e pe merit;) frumos si eu si sa ai grija de tine, de frumusetea pe care o ai..pupici:X
AlexandraYoana · 26-30, F
va multumesc de complimente@-