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swirlie · 31-35, F
Aren't you the guy who's advertised having two or three truck wrecks to his credit? Your name and your story sound very familiar to me and when I saw your photo and this truck wreck, I seemed to recall reading that this has happened two or three times now, one of which included something involving your wife. Was this you who had similar incidents over the past 5 years or so?
You're looking at the good side. The bottom site is ripped completely open and all kinds of frame damage. It was loaded with 53000 pounds of corn. The tracker pulling the trailer is all twisted up frame wise also. Nobody would want to drive this down the road after repairing it because it would still be dangerous. Most people don't realize that a fully legally loaded 18 Wheeler weighs the same amount as 20 Mini vans. They don't just stop. The crash rattle burn and crush. Just go ride in a semi once with somebody and you won't believe how much disrespect us truck drivers get. It's quite apparent most people have no clue how close they are to death when they Jack around with them. And how much I risk my life every day to make sure that you don't have to drive clear across the country to buy something because we do it for you even though most of you hate us. Don't believe me... Just go right in one once and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.
Please excuse all the typos. I recently bought a Samsung and it'll be the last one I'll ever buy. As the truck rolled I landed on my old alcatel phone in my pocket and crushed it. I miss it. It was far better than this $400 Samsung.
swirlie · 31-35, F
I'll do that actually! A girl friend of mine is a long-distance trucker who owns her own rig and she's asked me to come along sometime. I should probably call her now and set that up! Thanks for the info.. it was great!
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