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36-40, M
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pandainpinktutu: I got two of my wisdom teeth extracted today and...
Not fun.... Ice pops for the win!
4 yrs ago
autumn25: What is good for only a minute?
A fall from 58,000 feet.
4 yrs ago
XDHyperGirlXD1: what the best way to make ur boyfriend watch a...
I always just do... I don’t watch movies she...
4 yrs ago
Check for a tiny screw underneath
4 yrs ago
TheIncredibleHulka: How would you react if you were having an argument...
It’ll either defuse or ignite things....
4 yrs ago
TheIncredibleHulka: How would you react if you were having an argument...
I kind of wonder about that being a de-escalation...
4 yrs ago
GirlSerendipity: I Think That Life Is Unfair
That’s the wooorst! But won’t affect your nursing...
4 yrs ago
Awfullybrave: If you could write one new law that everyone had...
Just need more people willing to be caring.
4 yrs ago
Awfullybrave: If you could write one new law that everyone had...
So many people need care...but do we need to...
4 yrs ago
Awfullybrave: If you could write one new law that everyone had...
An IQ test required for procreation
4 yrs ago
latinbutterfly: Parents, do you ever worry about your kids?
My 3 yr old is freaked out about the “snow...
4 yrs ago