I Have Lost a Beloved PetI lost my dog on January 18th last year. He was a great friend of mine until the very end. My biggest regret is I wasn't there to comfort him in his last few moments.
I Always Get Asked Why Im So QuietI'm just really bad at reading social queues that tell me it's ok to input my thoughts into the conversation and usually the conversation moves on to other topics before I get a chance to give my 2 cents.
I Don't Need Drugs and Alcohol to Have FunI find that being under the influence tends to ruin he experience for me to be honest.
I Have a ScarMy brother and I were practicing swordfighting with no protection of any sort and I let my guard down momentarily. My brother nicked my face, just a few milimeters away from my eye.
I Love Sitting Around a Camp FireCampfires have always been a pastime for my friends and I. They're a great way to recount memories and share tales.