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HacheOlivera is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
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26-30, M
About Me
The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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A que se deve tu partida
No solo cuidala mucho por favor
This comment by ElenaAlejandraVanPersie is pending approval.
This comment by KatherinePierce1527923 is pending approval.
This comment by PhoebeCruzthnner is pending approval.
~~suelto una pequeña risa~~
en primera, que vamos hacer???
~~te observo~~
This comment by sulpiciavoulturi is pending approval.
sulpiciavoulturi · 26-30, F
|lo mire y sonrei|
y que me cuenta de usted?
~~esbozo una sonrisa~~
~~te observo~~
hacemos algo???
~~tomo tu mano y hago que camines conmigo~~
sulpiciavoulturi · 26-30, F
no lo se Joven
le gustria ir a caminar?