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Siendo badass.
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Anyway, he almost did ruin the picture, but your pretty face can fix anything, Peanut~

Por cierto, ese uniforme se te ve bien, ¿lo guardaste?
JT1558664 · M
Then I suggest you leave me out of whatever you've got going on. Look, I know you're a Jester and all but take the annoying level down a notch. It's not me you want, trust me. *Jason era alguien que había encontrado paz en su soledad y planeaba mantenerlo de ese modo*
HQ1559539 · F
More than it seems, more than many people. *¿Cómo no? Que le encantara sacar de quicio a la gente aburrida no quería decir que tuviese un desapego como tal; lo peor que podían hacer era subestimarla en cualquier sentido.*
JT1558664 · M
Let me ask you a question. How attached are you to your skull?
HQ1559539 · F
My job in this life is to annoy people~
JT1558664 · M
Tell me about it. His morals are just as antiquated as he is and you can have your truce as long as you don't piss me off.
HQ1559539 · F
I'm used to receiving moral lessons from hypocrites, but it seems good to me if we are in the same line~
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HQ1559539 · F
Don't give us moral lessons, boy. I do the right thing, we do the right thing... our way.
Oh! I see that you no longer wear underwear on the outside. [?]
JT1558664 · M
You completely misunderstood the concept of badass because clearly you're not doing it right. -Solo viene a arruinarles la foto- ¿?

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