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—How lovely you look, my dear, with that blush on your face and your legs wide open *for me*.

|| Gracias, Khione.
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Gs1583918 · M
—Mh-hm. That sounds more like a promise than a warning to me. Besides, my Goddess, can you really tell me that when you are already moaning for me...?
K1577615 · F
—Everything you can do to me you know I'll double it back... I will not be left without that little revenge.
Gs1583918 · M
—Oh, so you can still talk? That only means that I'm not going hard enough. Don't worry... I will fix that immediately.
K1577615 · F
—"My dear"? Have more respect in your words. Regardless of the activity, I am still superior to you.

| De nah. Un diamante. (?)

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