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About Me
Gilbert has long, typically messy black hair and golden eyes. Ten years earlier, when he was still a child and a servant of the Vessalius dukedom, he wore a blue outfit resembling sailor boy clothes as well as black boots. Currently, he wears a collared shirt which has some buckles on it, a cravat over it, a pair of white gloves, black pants with a strap around his right leg - close to the hip - which holds his guns, a black coat, black boots that are pointed at the tips, and a black hat given to him by Ada which he treasures greatly. Gilbert also has a curved gold earring cuff on his left ear. He is currently 182 cm tall.
He is terrified of cats and is a wonderful cook. Ten years earlier, he was a cry-baby who was constantly picked on by Oz but he was a kind and loyal boy regardless. Ten years later(current setting), Gilbert seems to have developed a cold and reserved exterior but despite this, he is still caring and kind. He is Oz's servant and is completely loyal to him. He has numerous times, expressed and shown his commitment to him (eg. breaking free of Doldum's control rather than harming Oz)

He can be harsh at times; especially towards Alice, likely due to her contract with and the threat it poses to his master. He hates it and becomes furious when Oz withholds information pertaining to the contractor's seal from him although this is out of concern for him. Sometimes (for example when drunk) he reverts to his old self again, crying easily and calling Oz "Young Master". Rufus Barma revealed that he tried to quit smoking eight times and failed. According to Break, the reason he began smoking is because he idolizes Oscar Vessalius.

In Retrace 21, it is revealed that he holds respect for his younger brother Vincent Nightray for surpassing his own gun skills in two months, when it took him a year to practice and perfect his own skills. Before the Tragedy of Sablier he had many a time tried to leave Vincent when they were living on the streets but he could never bring himself to do so. He also could not bring himself to shoot Zai Vessalius which he has attempted twice already.

He often argues with Alice and calls her "Stupid Rabbit", and in retaliation Alice calls him "Seaweed Head". Despite all their bickering, it appears that Gilbert may have developed a soft spot for her. Gil is a very protective person - he has risked his life for Oz and has saved Sharon Rainsworth from danger several times. He has even rescued Alice when they were in Sablier, as the overhang from which she stood collapsed. He has a very strong character, despite Oz's teasing, and will endure much to protect his friends.

Over the 10 years since Oz was sent to the Abyss, he has murdered and done some less that amiable things to save his master and this has changed him from a timid and shy person to a potentially harsh and cruel one that would do anything without hesitation to protect Oz even if this means killing his friends and family.