♦personajes principales de Gilipollas. Su familia controla un negocio en el cual ella trabaja, ubicado en una pequeña ciudad que se encuentra en la playa.♦♦
♦Tiene la Habilidad de ver el futuro cuando esta haciendo unos hermosos adornos de cristal.♦
Tohko tells Kakeru that she wants to see the future, so Kakeru goes to her house. They talk for a bit before they are interrupted by Tohko's sister, Hina. Kakeru then leaves, Tohko asks if Kakeru wants to go hiking with her group, but Kakeru declines, stating that he prefers to hike alone. The next day the group goes on the hiking trip, with Sachi taking the car with Momo due to her poor health. The group arrive at the camping site, and Tohko and Yanagi go to fetch water. Tohko accidentally falls into the creek with Yanagi and their clothes get wet. Yanagi tells Tohko that she heard Imi confess to Tohko, but told Tohko that she won't give up. Imi then stumbles on the girls drying themselves after falling in the river. Tohko later rejects Imi, telling him that she thought of him as an important friend, and that she thought that there was someone more suited for him. The group then return home, Tohko takes a bath with her sister, and asks Hina what she would have done if the person her best friend liked confessed to her. Hina says that she would have replied depending on whether she liked that person or not. Hina then proceeds to tease Tohko about the Kakeru, who came to their house before
Sachi calls Tohko saying that she got a call from Yukinari, informing her that Yanagi hurt her leg during a lesson. Tohko rushes to the hospital, but after seeing Yukinari helping Yanagi, she rushes out happily. She later calls Yanagi out to talk with her. They talk about Yukinari and Kakeru. Tohko then goes to the school yard to draw chickens. Yukinari arrives, although Tohko initially thought is Kakeru before she turned around. The two then converse, with Tohko behaving awkwardly. Tohko then goes inside the school. Yukinari then asks her if she liked Kakeru, and says that when he came she thought he was Kakeru, meaning that she was waiting for him. Yukinari then leaves, with Tohko questioning her own feelings. Tohko then leaves the school after putting the chickens back into their pen. She coincidentally sees Yanagi and Kakeru together, and runs away after seeing Kakeru seemingly hugging Yanagi. She then eats dinner with her family with an unhappy look on her face. Two days later, she is seen at the Kazemichi cafe, she asks Hiro's grandfather where Hiro is, and he says that he thinks Hiro is on a date. Tohko stands up, surprised. Tohko asks if Sachi and Hiro are dating, Sachi replies that she was not, and that they were just reading. Sachi then asks if Tohko had met with 'that guy' since then. Tohko replies that although Kakeru seems stern, she thinks that there might be a nice side to him. Sachi then tells Tohko that she has to be hospitalized for a while, but that Tohko didn't have to worry as they were just running tests.