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I can't wait to enjoy myself more in hell...
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SamsonLester · 22-25, M
ok my love be safe
FreyiaNakashi · 22-25, F
I love you to and I am getting off for the day.
SamsonLester · 22-25, M
i love you.
FreyiaNakashi · 22-25, F
I wouldn't want you to kill anyone or yourself unless that person got on my nerves and or they tried to do something to me.😉
SamsonLester · 22-25, M
you mine no one can have you. I will kill who ever looks at you or ill kill anyone you want me to and if that person was me i would kill myself.
FreyiaNakashi · 22-25, F
Some were people at my school.. And ok..
SamsonLester · 22-25, M
Who are these people i want to know 😠. and your so sexy dont even question it😎.
FreyiaNakashi · 22-25, F
People who see me and know me but I don't think I that hot..
SamsonLester · 22-25, M
people? who?
FreyiaNakashi · 22-25, F
well at least that is what people tell me...😉

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