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Love hurts if the person you love dies right in front of your eyes.
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FreyiaNakashi · 22-25, F
Ain't that the truth
SamsonLester · 22-25, M
It will ether make use or brake use.
SamsonLester · 22-25, M
It's ok dont we all have our challenges in life that was one of mine.
FreyiaNakashi · 22-25, F
No I feel bad
SamsonLester · 22-25, M
at least she not in pain no longer
SamsonLester · 22-25, M
its ok
FreyiaNakashi · 22-25, F
Omg I'm so sorry
SamsonLester · 22-25, M
iv watch my girl die right in front of me.
FreyiaNakashi · 22-25, F
yeah it hurts everytime😢
SamsonLester · 22-25, M

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