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MatthewMurdock123 · 36-40, M
That's the problem with Frank right there. His confidence leads him to believe that he can take down anything and kill any criminal that might dare to cross his path, but in this case, he can't. These ninjas are from a cult called the Hand, and that same cult has made them immortal, which means that no matter how many times you kill them, they just keep coming back. And that's what's happening right now. They were slowly but surely getting back on their feet and trying to escape, knowing that Matt wouldn't stop and probably not willing to waste any more time with him. After all, they'd already achieved the main goal they were here for: getting rid of Elektra. She was destined for this fate. Which, if you ask Matt, wasn't fair at all, especially when all she did was fight against the nature that had been put into her against her will. She didn't have a choice about being this Black Sky thing, an evil thing, indeed, but that didn't mean she was evil to begin with, not one bit. He knew her, and he knew there was good in her.

Matt flinches again at the sound of the gunshots, bringing his hands up to cover his ears as he grits his teeth and snarls in deep anger and frustration. "You can't be here..." He began to tell Frank, forcing himself to stand on his feet again, grunting at the pain he felt from his wounds. "I'm fine! Now go! Leave!" He snarls angrily at the soldier guy, the one he so often lectures on his methods in the field regarding his decision to kill them, the bad guys. Tonight, for the first time in his life, Matt was becoming Frank. He was about to commit his first killing, because no matter how hard it was, he was going to finish these ninjas or die trying. Fuck the moral codes and anything related to that. Those rules he usually follows do not apply to those guys, the undead ninjas missing a heartbeat.

You’re right about one thing, Frank boy, the Devil was crying because even Daredevil in his battle against evil can only take so much loss and sorrow. Wiping the tears from his face he takes a deep breath, getting some fresh air into his lungs before deciding this wouldn't stop him. He shivers at the pain in his back as he moves, every step he takes feeling like a knife slicing through his skin countless times. "I CAN'T STOP!" He shouts stubbornly at himself more than anything else, clenching his hands into fists once more and going straight for them, the ninjas who were cowardly enough to try and run away. "IT'S NOT OVER!!" He shouted as he lunged at them, as soon as he felt that he could throw some punches at them, he waved his fists in the air and punched a bunch of them, jumping up and kicking them as well, knocking them down. "Stay down! You stay down..." Until tonight, no one knew what Daredevil was made of, not really, what his anger and grief would make him do, or how far he could take a beating and still keep going. He remained in his fighting mode, staying in the middle of the unconscious ninjas, listening for any sounds they might make when they finally woke up, as he knew they would. As he waits, his chest rises and falls with his deep inhalations, his body giving clear signs of exhalation as he simply ignores the signs. If no one stops him tonight, no one ever will.

Seeing as none of them were coming back yet, he falls on his knees, raises his head to the sky, and screams out his frustration and anger so loudly that some people from the buildings nearby must have heard some of it. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Panting at last as he was so tired. "I can't, I can't...." He murmurs softly those words as some more tears slide down his face again. He was so broken, so incomplete. His mom, his dad and now Elektra... Everyone eventually left him, one way or another. But he can't give up, never. That's not an option.
MatthewMurdock123 · 36-40, M
One, two, three shots... they came from a building across and they put down some of the ninjas that were beating him down. The last one he had tried to grab a hold onto his arm, but not long after he was down too. He turns his head to the side into the direction these shots were coming from, and he heard it, his words. "Frank..." He mutters softly to himself, surprised that he came and was helping him in a way. He knew he wasn't wrong in believing that this guy was worth saving, that there was good in him. Sure, he was merely doing what he's best at, killing bad guys. However this time, he can kill them all, they are already dead those Ninja parasites. And Matt wont let his morals stop him, not now after they murdered her. Elektra. He wonders if Frank is aware of what he's shooting at tho. Perhaps he thinks they are just men dressed as Ninja's with unfinished business with Daredevil. Some fancy criminal group. Hell's kitchen is full of them, and maybe Matt has been an half measure all along, never fully getting rid of the root of the problem. Thing is, those Ninja hguys were from that cult, the hand, and they were so much worst than any other criminal. It's just better for Frank to stay away from this, for his own safety. Anyone who gets in the middle may end up badly, like his lover... who just died because of them. Because she didn't want to part of that thing, and she fought against it, only to die.

Since Frank said, 'see you around', he thought he left, and it was a relief because at least that meant he was safe. Matt growls out of anger and roses up on his feet again, against all the odds, he's just there, firm as a stone. He can't give up, he can't go away and leave them alive after what they did... He uses his forearm to wipe the blood dripping from his nose and mouth, and he gripped his teeth. "Aaaaargh!" He screams as he goes for them, throwing random punches, and kicking in all directions. The adrenaline in him was the boost that was keeping him going for now. He kept getting hit, until he catches another sound, this time way louder than before, so loud he felt forced to bring his hands up to his ears in order to cover them. Shooting, someone was shooting the Ninja's again, someone else was there. For a moment the Ninjas took advantage of Matt's state, he was clearly disturbed with the sudden shots, so this was an opportunity for them to try and end him. They kick him down and he falls over his knees, he was already so weak, and eventually, he would break, or so they thought.

"Frank... You..." He says, trying to catch his breath, frowning at the thought that he didn't left and was risking his life there. He couldn't take anyone else dying because of him tonight. He listens to what's happening, and he senses that someone is grabbing Frank. He growls angrily and approaches, punching the guy. "You will all die!!!" He shouts throwing another punch. "Let go off him!" He demanded as he kept punching the ninja guy with blind rage and tears rolling down his face. If he was daredevil, he's unleashing his devilish side side tonight. He's letting all the anger out. Nothing else matters at this point. If he dies, then he'll die as Daredevil, doing something for this town.
MatthewMurdock123 · 36-40, M
[med]Part 3/3:[/med]

He didn't have time to waste, no matter how weak he was, he needed to fight those Ninja til the end. Instead of trying to run away from them, cause that would be the wisest decision, considering he was surrounded by them, he stands on his feets again, and balls his fists, growling loudly in anger. "I will end you all!" If you could see his eyes now, he was blinded by rage, as he was fighting like a machine. The more he fought, the more he got thrown away and kicked out like trash. This one time he really felt like he didn't have any strenght left in him to fight back, he was bleeding from his mouth and nose, his body was so sore he certainly had broken bones. He laughed at the pain he was feeling, and stubbornly tried to stand again. If he has to die fighting, then be it. Just like his father. At least he dies trying to c[i]orrect some wrongs. His life had a meaning, so to say.

"You know you're one bad day away from being me"

Those words suddenly go through his mind. Frank's words. As he wonders how much of that was true. What was he turning into. What was this life shaping him into. He's scared. As a result of a mix of overhelming emotions, a tear rolls down his face. Nonetheless, he makes his best effort, groaning at the immeasurable pain he was enduring, and ready to snap back at them, all of them. You can't stop me! He thought to himself.

MatthewMurdock123 · 36-40, M
[med]Part 2/3:[/med]

As a lawyer, he wasn't picking upas many cases as necessaryto keepthe business running, and he would oftenget lectures from Foggy and Karen with due reason, no doubtin that, He simplydoesn't think most of the cases can be solved with a lawyer alone, they requireda little push, and Daredevil would be the push.Foggy found outhis secretat some point, and he didn't alwaysagree with it, he wasconcernedabove all. Mattgets it, but he wasn'tleaving his night job life behimd for anything, he can't. That'swho he is now. Give himsome credit, he gotWilson Fiskarrested,one of the most dangerous and respected criminals in this city. Even thought being behind barsdidn't stop him from doing certain things, he had so muchinfluenceoutside, the system wasblackmailed to work for him. Thesystemand the law werescorrupted, and that is justone more reason to add to the why's Daredevil should exist and continue his journey.

Remember Stick, Matt's mentor from his childhood, mentioned above. Well, not long after an ex lover from Matt's path came back into his life, asking for him to tag in a few missions, so came Stick. He told Matt a few things about a cult called the Hand, and how much trouble it could be. It was all very unrealistic, like supernatural kind of things, and Murdock was unsure about all of it. However, he would change his mind shortly, after a few events. His ex lover, Elektra, always nursed a need for killing, unlike him, and that's part of what pushed them apart as well, that and the fact that she vanished from his life for the longest time without a word after college and a few crazy adventures they shared together that almost made Matt kill for the first time.

Anyway, things escalated, and Matt was forced to be less sceptical about all that Hand story. Even more when he met again with a Ninja guy he had set on fire back to when he was trying to get to Wilson Fisk. That guy was supposed to be dead. He was the only person he killed because he didn't have a choice. Not really. He wouldn't stop until he was dead, so, and Matt wouldn't stop either cause he didn't want to die. Wether he likes it or not, sometimes it's really hard to avoid murder.

Tonight him, and his girlfriend, Elektra were at a roof top fighting a bunch of Ninja guys that were trying to get to her because as they discovered later on, she was the black sky, or something like that. And they nedded her to make more of those undead Ninjas. You see, fighting those bastards was more complicated than it seems, usually Matt focus a lot on heartbeats, and from all the other details, but that one is the most important, it can tell him right away where the person is, and then it's easy to predict their following moves.

They end up killing Elektra, and was the breaking for Matt. She was dead. It wasn't fair, she didn't deserve to end like that. She was born to be be this Black Sky thing, an evil thing, but it didn't mean she was evil. She actually proved she was head committed to fight against that destiny, that's why they were there to begin with. Her death was like a trigger, he refuses to stop now. He almost got killed and Frank showed out of nowhere, and shot the guy that was killing him before he succeded. 'See you around, red.' He overheard him before he left. He got confused at first. Frank was like a vigilanty like himself, with tragic past. The difference is that, instead of sending criminals to prison, he ends their lives without mercy.
MatthewMurdock123 · 36-40, M
[med]Part 1/3:[/med]

What for most could be consideredas a curse,for Matthew Murdock it became abless. No one likes the idea oflosing one of their senses,especiallythe sight, you can feelpretty lost if you can't see what surrounds you. At the begining, Matt was justa little boy, he will never forget the daythat chemical fall into his eyes, burnt lilke hell and suddenly everything went dark. A new journeybegan, and he wasturning into an entirely new human being.He had tolearn, toadjusthimself to thisnew condition, andhis father was his strenght in a way, he looked up to himlike a proud son. Matt loved to watch his father fight on stage, as he was a boxer, and fighting was his life.

While Matt was a natural athlete, Jack sought to keep himout of his world of violence, hoping that the boy could get an education and escape Hell’s Kitchen. The kid wascommitedon his studiesas he promised his father,so he wouldhave a better future. In the end,that was all his father wanted for him. Who could have known thatsaving that blind's man from a out of control truck speeding towards him would change Matt's life forever? No one.

He never hada mother figurewhile growing up, it was justhim and his father.His father'sfighting skillswere awesome, which didn't mean that he won everytime, either wayhe never gave up. Once his fatherdied, Matt wasaloneandblindin this world. He was goinginsanewith all thenoises that burst into his mind all at once, it was as if he was able to listenevery little thing around him, without a filter to push it away, or a switch to turn it off.Ultimately, he metan old blinded man who came into his life and he was under his tutele for a short period of time.Stick, that washis name.He wasn't the smoothnicestguy you could hang out with, but he was likea guide to Mattt for a while,and he taught himhow to fight like his father.By doing so, little Matt has learnt thatthe incident that left him blind, also inhanced all his remaining senses,it wasn't allthat bad,and maybehe could use it to do some good. To help this city.

As an adult, his father's advice followed himthroughout life.His best efforts studying led him intothe right path, into becoming a lawyer,and he opened a lawyer's office withhis best friend, Foggy Nelson. However, that alonewasn't enough to put an end to all those crimes, all thatsufferingandinjusticethat cameevery single night and hunted this city, Hell's kitchen.His fatherlost his life to this city,he wasmurderedby it. It had tostop. Having all thosenew acquired abilities, and beinga lawyer didn't help all thoseinnocent people in need, thus he made adecision, and he slowly but surelybecame the masked hero, Daredevil, as they call him.

Going out at nightwith his suit on, he makes useof his superhuman senses, hearing, the smell, the touch... Every detailmatters. He would pay attentionto what he heard, decifer from which direction it came, and go for it.Hepunches, hekicks, hefightsandthreatnensifneeded, but he neverkills. Despite the fact thathe is still now a days devasted with how his father's death came from the hands of Hell's Kitchen's criminals, and thatthe Law wasn't efficient enough to make the responsable pay for it, he can'tkill. It goes againsthis morals and beliefs. He's aChristian, and he believes thatonly God should be the one deciding when one must die. All he does is,knock the criminals out and deliver them to justice, aid the systemto work propperly.