FranciscoAntunes is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
Contact with this user may be limited until the user returns.
Contact with this user may be limited until the user returns.
31-35, M
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1-10 of 848
MarianaBlinky · F
que se passa princepe ? , queres falar?
que se passa princepe ? , queres falar?
JoannaDobrev · 26-30, F
que fazes ?
NinaDobrew · 26-30, F
Eu sei princepe *
AlexandraNunes1518789 · 26-30, F
mas melhor virá..
JoannaDobrew · 26-30, F
porque ? que quiseres dizer . ; $
estou bem amor
estou bem amor
AlexandraNunes1518789 · 26-30, F
isso sei eu..
NinaDobrew · 26-30, F
no ? :o
JoannaDobrev · 26-30, F
AlexandraNunes1518789 · 26-30, F
queres contar?
AlexandraNunes1518789 · 26-30, F
tu nem vens aqui dizer algo a alguém, DESABAFAR com os teus AMIGOS.
1-10 of 848