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Demon of Seduction
About Me Notes
About Me
I am the demon of seduction and one of the most powerful demons out there. It's tough being the baby of the family so with 800 years of life, you kind of teach yourself a few things. I'm a bitch. No nicer way to put it. I don't give a rat's ass what you have to say, how you feel, nor what you think. I am the best there ever was, the best there is, and the best there will be. Don't like it? Take a number and get in line with the rest of the fuckers waiting on me to give a fuck.


This is a ROLEPLAY account. Nothing you see here is real!

OOC (out of character)

Refer to blogs for my background.


If you don't like what you see on my profile or anything else, then don't bother adding me and those of you who are friends with me can get the fuck off my friends list.

21 and older please. I am very sadistic and vulgar. My language is out the door, my sex is amazing, and my torturing/killing is even better.

I'm not really that bad, somewhat nice but a crazy bitch all the way!

Those of you that know me, already know this but let me say it. I am not ashamed to do ANYTHING on the walls. Therefore my chat and my inbox are for small talks and SL discussions only. All RP will be on the wall!

Para epic / Multi-para / Novella roleplay only!
