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26-30, M
Nunca serei melhor que tu :$
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MartaMartins thinks you are Handsome.
MariaAlves · 31-35, F
MariaAlves thinks you are Charming.
FloriFlori · 26-30, F
FloriFlori thinks you are Awesome.
ClaudiaAndrade · 26-30, F
ClaudiaAndrade thinks you are Adventurous.
AndreiaaApura · 100+, F
~~ Obrigada por teres aceitee (:
~~ És lindoo ^.^
LylianaSa · 26-30, F
- Ho que querido *O*
LylianaSa · 26-30, F
- Lindo ??

Porque meu querido ??
FabinhoCouto · 26-30, M
ok meu amor xD
ClaudiaAndrade · 26-30, F
aqui não best :s
já te mando mensagem (: