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This profile may contain Mildly Adult content.
31-35, F
About Me
About Me
Hey there!
I'm here from time to other, but I'm not super active on SW. I'm curious to meet interesting people, on the internet or IRL. I'm rarely in the mood to talk with someone I find boring — if I am, it's because I'm tipsy, or I'm being polite. My interests include reading, writing, gaming, and programming (I'm very new to programming, learning JavaScript). I'm also outdoorsy and quite into nature, animals, dogs in particular. I'm Danish, born in 1992, and moved to Ukraine in 2018, where I live with my husband. I especially appreciate good humor and adventurousness in others. 💕

26/02/2022 Update — Many people here have written to me regarding the situation in Ukraine. I therefore want to mention that I'm not a Ukrainian citizen, however my home is here. My husband is Ukrainian, and I extend your kind regards to him and everyone else here. I appreciate everyone's support. To those who are worried about me and my husband, you should know we live very far west, and are safe for now. Slava Ukraini. 💙💛