Original Vampire & Big Brother.
About Me About Me NotesAbout Me

※ We stick together as one, ALWAYS & FOREVER ※

- If anyone tries to hurt or kill a member of My Family, they will NOT LIVE TO REGRET IT.

Elijah Mikaelson is an Original Vampire who was born to Mikael and Esther in the 10th century. Elijah has six siblings, a deceased unnamed older brother, three younger brothers and a younger sister named Rebekah. He also has a younger half-brother named Niklaus. Elijah is currently the eldest Original alive and the oldest immortal being in the world, now that Silas, Amara and Mikael are all deceased. Elijah is also the most powerful being, second only to his half-brother, Niklaus and this is only due to Klaus being a Hybrid.
Elijah is a very attractive, positive, quirky and upbeat person. He always tries to see the good in people and tries to be a friend to everyone. He lives by a code of honor and morality that has been with him since he was a human. He valued qualities such as compassion, honor and virtue long before his mother turned him into a vampire. Having learned to take care of his family over the years and being naturally responsible. Elijah had developed into a very free-spirited, mature and independent person. Elijah was close with his brother Niklaus and his sister Rebekah, he was also a little close with his youngest brother Henrik and he was devastated after he was killed by werewolves.

Elijah is described as unpredictable, over-protective and stubborn, but also very kind, intelligent, selfless, empathetic, compassionate, and friendly. He is extremely loyal and has a loving nature. But in spite of this, Elijah is very naive and easily manipulable which is shown several times throughout the series. He strongly believes in trust, honesty and loyalty and whenever he would give his word to someone, he would keep it, as he has said "I'm a man of my word".
Elijah has been known to break deals but only when he realized he was lied to such as in his deal with Sophie Deveraux. He has a lot of respect and admiration for human life, which is unseen in many other vampires and is normally very reluctant to kill anyone when unnecessary.