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31-35, M
Death knocks at my door. I wonder what does she wants this time.
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This comment by DariusMichaelis is pending approval.
Well, Kyle wasn't really into walking along dark streeta during the night but he had to go to the closest supermarket to buy some stuff. Living on his own was quite difficult, but he could managed to deal with it in a very stylish way. The atmosphere was chilly, not very pleasant for him. As he walked along the main street he noticed a man sitting on a bench and frowned as he came closer to him."Are you fine?"
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Sometimes I think about that... I like my name and I love black roses. A perfect match.
[Honestly smiles walking away from there.]
Dorian Gray?
So... I'm Miss Black and you're Mister Gray.
Nice pair.
[Giggles a bit]
C1529972 · F
He sure was right... Night came quickly and so the mansion was filled up with all sort of guests, with their faces hidden behind beautiful masks. The host, Charlotte, was staring at them, waiting for her guest of honor to arrive.
Frowning and nudging his nose, Kyle nodded slightly then he leaned on the bed. He was thinking of his words but he didn't really want to take care at all of how idiot he was in front of the new guy.
-Yes sure. Bring me anything you want. Are you into that kind of things? Sexy ones. I'm not your whore dude.-
He lauged softly and analyzed the room all over again.
I don't like hoes. -Laughing-
They are too used, so what's the point?
And that, sounded creepy or pervert