DiogoSousa1494429 is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
Contact with this user may be limited until the user returns.
Contact with this user may be limited until the user returns.
26-30, M
Foto nova comenta....
About Me About Me NotesThe Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
This user is not accepting Whiteboard comments.
1-10 of 48
JessicaPereira1494492 · 26-30, F
Votas em mim? :$
Preciso mesmo do teu voto *o*
Vota bem Kiss <3
Preciso mesmo do teu voto *o*
Vota bem Kiss <3
; nunca mais falamos :c
estás chateado comigo ou coisa assim parecida ?
Beijos <3
estás chateado comigo ou coisa assim parecida ?
Beijos <3
MonicaHenriques · F
Perfil fixe
CarmenBorbinhas · F
Parabens (:
RitaFernandes1498931 · 31-35, F
parabéns :)
FilipaaCardoso · F
Parabéns ;D
admDWolt · 31-35, F
alOo xik waa
hehe pues espero poder contar
con tu lindo voto graxxxxx *.*
alOo xik waa
hehe pues espero poder contar
con tu lindo voto graxxxxx *.*
LittleCat · 31-35, F
Feliz natal
TaniaBorges · 26-30, F
TaniaBorges thinks you are Cute.

CarmenBorbinhas · F
CarmenBorbinhas thinks you are Handsome.

1-10 of 48