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SamWinchesters · 41-45, M
That's the thing.. I don't know if what I'm seeing is what He sees, or if it's just His thoughts, memories or whatever.

- settles down his beer bottle and sighs out of frustration -

I don't have any super God, power, Dean. I have faith, and I believe we can try and beat Him...
We can live in a world without Him, I guess...
SamWinchesters · 41-45, M
- takes a sip from his beer -
I don't have a super God power, Dean.
I wish I would...
I can only have dreams and visions sometimes where He's in it.
Sólo déjeme ir a un caso con ambos
De hecho
Eh escuchado sobre ustedes y me impresionan
Así es, de ti y de tu hermano
El famoso cazador de espectros y cosas paranormales
SamWinchesters · 41-45, M
Oh well, me too.
- grabs two beers and gives his brother one -
SamWinchesters · 41-45, M
Castiel · M
Thank you, Dean. -Le hug.- Better late than never, i say.