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My profile in iOrbix, i love it..
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Your layout seems much nicer than ours..
Were you able to personalize your background and other features of your profile page?
DashaDoggy · 26-30, F
Nuno already asked for suggestions on iOrbix
Everything will be better for everyone and we can live together.
iOrbix has more things, global char, private chat, relationships, play music! imagine everything here in SW!
People here get their panties all in a bunch whenever anything changes 🙄
DashaDoggy · 26-30, F
Hahaha don't worry 💖
DashaDoggy · 26-30, F
My profile un iOrbix.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@DashaDoggy Hope SW incorporates few changes soon to make it more lively like the profiles on iOrbix

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