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36-40, M
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Merry Christmas, Brother. Much love to you and Yours
61-69, MVIP
Thank you very much 😊 Merry Christmas my friend to you and yours. 🎄⛄🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁
31-35, M
Thank you and Merry Christmas to you brother. I hope your new year will be best as well. I hope you have a really great Christmas *Hugs* love you bro.
In the 4th century, the Christian church adopted December 25th as the date of Christmas to coincide with pagan celebrations and attract non-Christian followers.

The church "Christianized" some pagan traditions and gave them new meaning. For example, decorating with holly and bringing in a Yule log were originally pagan practices.
Blessed Solstice and Merry Yule! Not all pagans are bad, love and accept them as your God teaches. Love and Light, SW Santa
31-35, M
I am blessed to have a Brother like you especially in my loneliest time right now. You are the only few I can talk to freely. I thank Jesus for you and I hope you have wonderful days. Love you bro *Hugs*
Thank-you Dan
Happy Thanksgiving
May the Lord bless and keep you.
31-35, M
I love Cats and I want to give you a pet of a heart-
warming for you.
I hope you day is good day. Have a goodnight bro and God Bless c:
31-35, M
Hey bro. I hope you have a wonderful day *Hugs* thanks for trying to cheer me up.
31-35, M
You are my brother. *Hugs* love and blessing
You’re the 1000th viewer! Lol You win a proper rainbow. 🥳 Comes with the often-left-out color, indigo.