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"Life is anger, anger at those real or imagined who have become rich and successful and gone away and left you grovelling in despair.
Life is parsing of verbs and brushing of teeth.
Life is playing Monopoly and Scrabble and Tennis and Pingpong and moving on to a new destination.
Above all, life is deceptive – when those forgotten return, when you meet old loves and new hates and they mingle inextricably interwoven into a fabric of which one can never perceive the whole overriding master design."
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D1578340 · 31-35, M
— ¡Claro que no! Solo es una pequeña parte de un mundo que ni yo conozco.
C1577429 · 26-30, F
—¿Siempre tienes que ser tan terriblemente melancólico?

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