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31-35, M
Extraño, enigmatico y misterioso
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Abuto · M
--She slept through at least two thirds of the fifteen hour flight, but despite that and her otherwise excellent physical shape, Talia felt like she’d just gone hand to hand with twenty of her father’s best soldiers. Straightening in her seat as the plane began its descent, she looked out the window at the city below as it was lit up by the early morning sun. It was not unlike the desert; so full of both life and death. From here it seemed to shine, no traces of the corruption and decay she knew to be there.
From here she could see why he loved it.

Stepping off the plane and into the busy airport, she pulled the small suitcase – she wouldn’t be staying long, after all – to her side and turned her wrist to check the delicate silver watch. Eight in the morning. There was plenty of time to make it to her loft in one of the city’s more affluent districts, maybe get a little more rest, and make herself presentable. There was a Wayne Foundation charity event tonight that would serve as an opportunity to reconnect.

An hour later, glancing out at Wayne Tower only blocks away and the rest of the city from the full-length windows of her loft, she laid out the dress, shoes, and other accessories for the evening’s festivities. Only the jewelry was left. Talia looked at the dresser where a wooden box lay open, revealing the ornate necklace that made her breath catch every time she looked at it.

Pointedly closing the lid, she chose a simple pendant of white gold instead.--

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