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Cristina Lobeiro, 16 anos, Palmela ! # cristinacrlh - yaa, mesmo assim +.+
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The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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JadeMelo · 26-30, F
siiim *.*
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JadeMelo · 26-30, F
'tudoo bem ?
RuiMestre · 26-30, M
Quero o teu email *-*
JadeMelo · 26-30, F
Olaa (:
bigada :D
JadeMelo · 26-30, F
Amoor *.*
AndreValente · 26-30, M

es 91 querida?
AndreValente · 26-30, M
hum, namoras?
AndreValente · 26-30, M
hum, eu tambem gata
AndreValente · 26-30, M
tens que idade?